Join Us! (or Renew) The Black River Amateur Radio Club, founded in 1969, has been a long-standing part of the Van Buren County, Michigan community. Our club has wide and varied interests including special events, DX, contesting, and more. If you wish to join our fine ham operators, please fill out the web form below. If you prefer, you can download this form to fill in and mail to the address below. Printable Membership Form Single Membership $20.00, Household Membership $30.00 per year.New Members: If after July 1st application $15.00, first year. Regular dues thereafter.Membership dues for the current year are due by January 31st of the membership year. Cash accepted in person only, at the regular meetings.Check/Money Order payable to Black River Amateur Radio Club.Paper Applications, Checks, or Money Orders can be mailed to:Black River ARC, PO Box 55, Bangor, MI 49013. Online payment options (click button): Pay Single Dues Pay Household Dues Make A Donation Online Application/Member Info Update: Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastAddress *City, State, Zip *Mailing Address (if different)Email *Phone Number *BirthdateCall Sign *License Class *NoviceTechnicianGeneralAdvancedExtraOther Licensed Member of Your Household You Wish To Include?Name, Call, ClassOther Licensed Member of Your Household You Wish To Include? Name, Call, ClassDo you have equipment available for emergency service?NoYes, MobileYes, PortableYes, BaseYes, Generator/Power equipment Other Phone Generator/Power Size in WattsSubmit